Beyond Before (Woolloomooloo), 2017
Presented in NAH DRAN extended: re-dance
Curated by Lee Méir
Choreography and Performance: Alice Heyward
Music: Gregor Kompar
Fabric: Sarah CrowEST
Special thanks to Agata Siniarska, Joel Mu, Xenia Taniko Dwertmann and Lulu Obermayer.
Beyond Before (Woolloomooloo), 2017 is a response to the invitation to re-present a work from ‘Before’; to unfold its past and future in time present. It treats the drawn document of a work as a fabric migrating to potential futures, and imagination as a space to remember what will have been.
It connects authorship through time and space, crossing homage and (im)material traces; we experience ‘archive’ as its promise of the future (anterior) perfect that collaborates with the present. In tribute to Remy Charlip’s Airmail and Imaginary Dances, this work aims to generate knowledge by projecting us into memory, by remembering future projections.
Beyond Before (Woolloomooloo), 2017, is the second of three works in Alice's series, 'Before'. 'Before The Fact' was initially commissioned by the Keir Foundation, Dancehouse, Melbourne and Carriageworks, Sydney for the 2016 Keir Choreographic Award, and ‘Imaginary Dances’ was presented at Kunsthaus KuLe in the Performing Arts Festival in Berlin in 2017.
“a thoughtful, abstracted meditation on time and motion”. Sasha Amaya for Viereinhalb Sätze in “67”
“Alice Heyward opens in the piece a new temporal dimension: the future (past) imperfection serves as the key to a confrontation with the past, which the present and the future will always have permeated” Alexandra Hennig for Ada Studio.
Reviews and Press:

Storm from the '10 Imaginary Dances' by Remy Charlip
The Woolloomooloo Cuddle by Remy Charlip
Performance image: André Lewski