Mutter, Matter
A performance with and by Alice Heyward, Penelope Hueston, Michael Heyward, Louise Hearman and video camera, Dr. Raphael Kuhn and collaborators, epidural injection and surgical instruments at the Mercy Hospital, East Melbourne, Australia on September 17th 1992.
Restaged with and by Alice Heyward, projector, living room in collaboration with Julia Rodriguez and guests in Prenzlauer berg, Berlin, Germany on 23rd November 2017.
In residence at Lucy Guerin Inc. 2018

Video without performance presented at Babes Bar at Agora, Berlin
Eoghan Ryan + Jassem Hindi
A tribute night to Unknown duration of fear by CA Conrad
Feb 24 2018
Agora, Rollbergstrasse, 26 -Untergeschoss, 12053 Berlin, Germany